The Holy Bible
The Trinity
God The Father
God The Son

God The Holy Spirit
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In Exodus 3:14 God’s revelation to Moses of the name "I AM WHO AM" contains the truth that God alone IS. In this sense, God is the fullness of being and of everything perfect, without origin and without end. All creatures, seen and unseen, receive all that they are and have from Him; but He alone is His very being, and He is of Himself everything that He is. He is the Almighty God of all Creation, the Creator of all that was, of all that is, and of all that is to come. He is the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is one singular God in the form of the Holy Trinity, before the foundation of the First Creation.

Christians believe in one God who has no partner. He is Infinite, filling the heavens and the earth. He is the creator of all, Eternal, and Everlasting. His kingdom is without end. The Lord Jesus Himself taught this belief when a Jew came to ask Him about the greatest commandment. He answered him, "Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with your entire mind, and with all your strength." (Mark 12:29-30) This is the first commandment.  The apostle Paul clarified this saying, "Is God just for the Jews and not for Gentiles as well? Yes, for Gentiles also because God is one." (Romans 3:29-30), and the apostle James expressed the same belief saying, "You believe that God is one. You do well." (James 2:19)

The Christian creed of beliefs was taken from these texts, along with others in the Bible. The Church has been avowing these beliefs for generations saying, "Truly we believe in one God, the Creator of heavens and earth, and the visible and invisible worlds."  Hence, dear friends you can perceive that Christians believe in one God and not three gods. The meaning of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit shall be clarified in the discussion about the Holy Trinity. Later, the divinity of Christ Jesus shall be clarified, as shall be the work of the Holy Spirit. 

There is a popular myth among nonbelievers that goes like this: “The promises of Christianity are too good to be true. Therefore, the whole thing must be a lie.” Dear friends, the myth is the lie. We are children of the Lord God Jehovah, the very God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is our heavenly Father. He is the Rock of our foundation. He is the Lord God of all humankind.  Moreover, our Lord God provides Salvation for every human being through Christ Jesus, through His sacrifice and death on the Cross and His ultimate victory over death in the form of His Resurrection by Almighty God the Father. Through Christ Jesus, God established a New Covenant with all humankind.  Christ Jesus was the ultimate Sacrificial Lamb for the sins of the world.

We are children of the Lord God Jehovah, the very same God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is our heavenly Father. He is the Rock of our Foundation.  Our God is the only God of the Universe. There is no other god but our Heavenly Father – not Ahura Mazda, not Allah, not Baal, not Balaam, not Confucius, not Dagon, not Gautama, not Gilgamesh, not Guru Nanak, not Hinduism, not Shintoism, not Zeus, and not Zoroaster.

The Gospel In Arabic
God The Father:
the Father of Humankind 

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