The Holy Bible
The Trinity
God The Father
God The Son
God The Holy Spirit
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"The doctrine of the holy Trinity in no way means the existence of three gods as some people wrongly imagine. The meaning of this doctrine is - God is one, existing in Himself, so He declared Himself as the Father. Speaking His word, He declared Himself as the Son, the Word made flesh. Alive in His spirit, He declared Himself as the Holy Spirit.  It should not be understood from these names that there is a bodily relationship as in human terms, but rather it has a spiritual meaning. These names are not established or invented by man, but they are the words of divine inspiration in the Holy Bible, as you will see from the following references:

'1. The Lord Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.’ (Matthew 28:19) Monotheism is clear in His words, ‘baptising them in the name.’ He did not say ‘baptising them in the names of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.’

'2. The apostle John very clearly confirms this understanding: "Those who testify in heaven are three, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit and these three are one." (I John 5:8)
When comparing the two verses, you find the names of the holy Trinity; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is the holy Trinity in the only God in whom we believe.”1

There is another way to explain the Trinity by using a water example. Water comes to us in three forms: a solid, a liquid, and a vapour – or ice, rainwater, and steam. Each form has its own special property, or purpose. Ice does the things it does, rainwater does the things it does, and steam does the things it does. However, all are still water. When necessary; Ice can become Steam and vice versa. Both can become water. Water can become either Ice or Steam. However, all three are still water, just in different forms.

The same is true with the Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each has His primary responsibility. God creates and makes thing happen. Christ Jesus offers salvation and healing. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, and He helps us in our daily walk through life on Earth. The Spirit is also the Giver of Life. Either One can do the work of the Other because all are God the Father. All are one God with 3 different forms, just like water. Each can be prayed to individually, or the Trinity can be prayed to as a Unit. All prayers are answered in accordance with the divine will of God.

1The Arabic Bible, Copyright © 2012 Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry
http://www.arabicbible.com/ for-muslims/175-christian-doctrines/1511-unity-of-god-in-christianity.html

The Holy Trinity
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